
Friday, December 3, 2010

sungai lui by aizat

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

7 kelebihan setan ^_^

Salam pada smua pembaca...1st nak minta maaf andai nanti ada terasa hati menjeruk emosi bila baca post note aku ni.Tajuk tersentuh isu sensetivity agama dan karma manusia.Aku terbaca article ni salah satu blog yang ada kat google...saje2 abeskan masa.Ni pun nak shared sbagai renungan..Bukan nak samakan atau bezakan kita ngan setan sebab manusia ni sebaik2 makhluk ciptaan Allah..Tapi cuba korang renungkan,aku pun senyum sendiri...tol gak benda ni..

1. Pantang menyerah

Setan tidak akan pernah menyerah selama keinginannya untuk menggoda manusia belum tercapai. Sedangkan manusia banyak yang mudah menyerah dan malah sering mengeluh.

2. Selalu Berusaha

Setan akan mencari cara apapun untuk menggoda manusia dan agar tujuannya tercapai, selalu kreatif dan penuh idea. Sedangkan manusia ingin enaknya saja, banyak yang malas.

3. Konsisten

Setan dari mulai diciptakan tetap konsisten pada pekerjaanya, tak pernah mengeluh dan berputus asa. Sedangkan manusia banyak yang mengeluhkan pekerjaannya, padahal banyak manusia lain yang masih nganggur.

4. SoliderSesama setan tidak pernah saling menyakiti, bahkan selalu bekerjasama untuk menggoda manusia. Sedangkan manusia, jangankan peduli terhadap sesama, kebanyakan malah saling bunuh dan menyakiti.

5. Genius

Setan itu paling pintar mencari cara agar manusia tergoda. Sedangkan manusia banyak yang tidak kreatif, bahkan banyak yang jadi peniru dan plagiat.

6. Tanpa Pamrih

Setan itu bekerja 24 Jam tanpa mengharapkan imbalan apapun. Sedangkan manusia, apapun harus dibayar.

7. Suka berteman

Setan adalah mahluk yang selalu ingin berteman, berteman agar banyak temannya di neraka kelak. Sedangkan manusia banyak yang lebih memilih mementingkan diri-sendiri dan egois.

So,apa pendapat korang?wassalam...

hensem kan setan ni? huhuhu..

18 ways to release your tension

Take walks alone or with your family.

Taking a walk is one of the easiest stress relieving activities. A 20 minute brisk walk will change your state of mind and improves your health and fitness.

Avoid bad news and violent movies.

At the end of your stressful day at work, avoid watching bad news and violent movies. You have had enough for the day. End it with watching something refreshing humorous and funny with your spouse or family.

Have dinner together with the family or someone special.

Have dinner together and take pleasure from the company of your loved ones. Once in a while experience some exotic food.


Release your tension and change your focus by taking time, if the weather permits and on a clear night, to gaze at the stars, the moon and the magnificent universe.

Read a great book before going to sleep.

Read a good novel, an inspiring or motivational book right before you say your good night to the world. Feed your mind with positive information before you close your eyes and slumber.

Listen to motivational or inspirational recording.

Do it during your drive back to release your tension from the traffic crawl. Listen to subliminal recordings as you lay yourself to sleep.

Take a nap in between the day.

A siesta will revitalize your energy to continue for the rest of the day. Even fifteen minutes nap is good.

Read to your children when you put them to sleep.

Take the time each night to read to your children. Enjoy and cherish the togetherness. They will soon grow up and will leave their nest.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and unbalanced meal.

You become what you feed into your body. Feed it with stuff that will increase your energy, keeps you healthy, free from discomforts and reduce your stress level.

Take time to play with your children.

You are the hero to your children. They need your presence while they are growing up. Spend time doing fun activities together.

Leave your work behind when you step out of the office.

Make it a habit to work only when you work. Once you step out of your office, leave unfinished work until the next day.

Update your journal.

Take time to write your observations, experiences, insights and emotions in your journal. It is a good way to release your tension. Reread them every few months and reflect on what you have written and experienced.

Get a little quiet time alone.

You need some space to get a little solitude. Do nothing but just be still and quiet. Allow your breath to just flow freely and don't judge or resist your thoughts.

Listen to stress relief hypnosis

Just sit back or lie down and listen to this stress relief hypnosis session to melt away your irritations and tension .

Forgive everyone.

At the end of the day, forgive everyone and even yourself for the hurt and idiosyncrasies. Don't bring your hurtsand anger to sleep and brought to the next day.

Tell your loved ones that you care and love them.

Tell and show the important people in your life that you love them. A loving word, thought or gesture will make them feel special and appreciated. You will feel loved in return.

End your day with a prayer.

End your day thanking your Creator for giving you another opportunity and another day to experience the joy of living.

Get a good night sleep.

Release your tension with a good night sleep. Sleep like a baby and sleep well.